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  New River Chapter : Calendar: A list of activities and meetings


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New River Chapter Calendar of Events

The 2023 New River Calendar of Events can be downloaded here...open and print a copy as shown in the above downloadable file or with the below link for your own reference - or better yet, display it on your refrigerator - so you can plan to attend as many activities as possible and share camaraderie with fellow New River Chapter veterans.

2023 Calendar
04/15/2023/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Meetings/


Hacksaw Ridge at the Parkway Theater on July 27, 2023 @ 6:30 PM

Hacksaw Ridge at the Parkway Theater on July 27, 2023 @ 6:30 PM
Official Flyer Promotion of a Special Showing of HACKSAW RIDGE
Secondary Image
Official NRC Polo Shirt Logo

The New River Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America in conjunction with the Desmond Doss Foundation will proudly present a showing of the award winning film Hacksaw Ridge on July 27, 2023 at the Parkway Theater in West Jefferson, NC.

Admission is FREE TO ALL.

Everyone is encouraged to print the attached flyer and post on your refrigerator, but to also make WIDEST DISTRIBUTION of this announcement to friends and associates.

All members of the New River Chapter are asked to help make this showing of the film for which our Chapter's Chair of Programs, COL Charles Knapp, MC, USA (Ret.) was a special consultant, a great success by attending the performance and also, to be sure and wear your chapter polo shirt with logo in order to be recognized as being part of our MOAA Chapter, the New River NC22.

07/08/23 22:47/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Events/

Past Things that once were ▲ top

May 20, 2023

Music Fest to Honor Vets

The New River Chapter will host the 2023 edition of our Music Fest to Honor Vets at the Ashe County Civic Center on May 20th from 1 PM - 4 PM.

The cost is $10 / ticket and can be purchased at the event.

As with previous Music Fests select veteran’s service will be recognized and honored with a healing quilt from the Ashe County Piecemakers Quilt Guild.

04/24/23 13:35/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Events/


2022 Calendar of Events

2022 Calendar of Events
New Rive Chapter 2022 Calendar of Events

The 2022 New River Calendar of Events is a post that can be downloaded here...open and print a copy for your own reference - or better yet, display it on your refrigerator - so you can plan to attend as many activities as possible and share camaraderie with fellow New River Chapter veterans.

5/7/22/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Meetings/

November 20, 2022

New River Chapter's Holiday Gathering

New River Chapter's Holiday Gathering
New River Chapter, Military Officers Association of America
Secondary Image

* The New River Chapter's 2022 Holiday celebration will again be held at West Jefferson's Ashe County Arts Council from 2:00 PM to 5:30 PM on Sunday, November 20th.

* As always, Chapter members don't usually need encouragement to bring yummy side dishes and desserts to share with fellow party goers as we ALWAYS have a good representation of sweet and savory treats.

* Also there will many holiday libations to help Chapter members and spouses celebrate but members are always welcome to bring along a favorite wine or other drink of their choosing to share..

* For now, wishing everyone a HAPPY THANKSGIVING but plan on being part of our holiday celebration on November 20th and help share in the spirit of the season with fellow New River Chapter members for a joyous Christmas!

Click here to go to pictures in the Photo Gallery
11/7/22/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Meetings/

October 13, 2022

New River Chapter October Social Gathering

The New River Chapter members are again invited to gather for a social dining event at The Tavern in West Jefferson. We won't have reserved seating, so plan to arrive early, say 4:30 PM for ordering drinks and then follow with a meal of your choosing. We'll hopefully be seated in close proximity to one another for camaraderie!

See you next Thursday!

Mark your calendar and we hope to see you on the 13th!

07/07/22 20:45/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Meetings/

July 14, 2022

New River Chapter July Social Gathering

The New River Chapter will host a regular monthly meeting in July by gathering for a social dining event at The Tavern in West Jefferson. The Tavern is once again offering outdoor dining on the patio, weather permitting of course, so we look to arrive early, e.g., 4:30 for ordering drinks and then follow with a meal of your choosing, and in that way we hopefully can be seated in close proximity to one another!

Mark your calendar and we hope to see you on the 14th!

07/07/22 20:45/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Meetings/

June 7, 2022

Joint Membership Meeting of the New River and High Country Chapters

Joint Membership Meeting of the New River and High Country Chapters
New River Chapter, MOAA logo
Secondary Image
Col. Dan Merry, USAF (Ret)

On June 7, the New River and High Country Chapters, MOAA will host a joint membership dinner meeting @ 6:00 PM at the Boone Golf Club’s Fairway Cafe, 433 Fairway Drive, Boone, NC.

Col. Dan Merry, USAF (Ret.), MOAAs Vice President for Government Relations will be the guest speaker to share important legislative information for members and ALL veterans in the High Country catchment areas of Watauga and Ashe counties of NC.


The meal will be catered by Casa Rustica Catering of Boone.


• Cash Bar @ 6:00 PM

• Dinner and Program will begin @ 6:30 PM

• Dinner cost is $36/per person...RSVP to Lance Campbell (lccampbellcrna@mac.com) or Doug May (maydb1709@gmail.com). You should make checks payable to HCCMOAA to cover the cost of the meal, tax, gratuity, and bar tender fee.

Dinner menu:

• Caesar Salad

• Dinner rolls with garlic butter Chicken Parmesan over spaghetti Spinach Lasagna; Marinara on side.

• Sautéed vegetables

• Cheesecake dessert

• Ice tea, soda, and coffee

Hope to see you @ 6:00 PM on June 7, 2022.

Email your reservation(s) to Lance Campbell, HCC
05/07/22 21:06/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Meetings/

May 28, 2022

New River Chapter Honored Veterans with Music at the Ashe Civic Center

New River Chapter Honored Veterans with Music at the Ashe Civic Center
New River Chapter MOAA Logo
Secondary Image
Music Honoring Ashe County Veterans publicity poster.

On May 28, 2022, the New River Chapter hosted a music event - Music Honoring Ashe County Veterans - at the Ashe Civic Center from 1:00 - 4:00 PM.

Formerly our Marathon Jam, this was our first fund raising opportunity to support the Fisher Houses of NC since we had to cancel Jams in 2020 and 2021.

The program featured four local musicians/music groups and local veterans were honored with the presentation of "Healing Quilts" donated by the Ashe Piecemakers Quilt Guild.

There was $10 admission and all proceeds will benefit the Fisher Houses of NC at Camp LeJeune and Fort Bragg.

Follow this link to view photographs from the event...
6-30-22/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Events/

May 14, 2022

New River Chapter Provides Support to the New River Marathon

Dedicated volunteers from our Chapter provide support each year to the New River Marathon!

As in previous years, we will man a watering station at the junction of Railroad Grade Road and the entrance to the Skyland Waters development in Ashe County. Additionally, we will have a person stationed at the intersection of Railroad Grade Road and Castleford Road to ensure that all marathoners TURN RIGHT!

Let's all hope for dry weather between 0700 and 1230 on May 14th as well as NO WIND...it's really hard to fill cups with water when there are strong breezes at the watering site!

New River Marathon Web Page
05/08/22 21:36/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Events/

November 21, 2021

New River Chapter's Holiday Gathering

New River Chapter's Holiday Gathering
See Chapter Holiday images of our 20+ attendees...the end to a great year!

* The New River Chapter's Holiday celebration was held on Sunday, November 21st at West Jefferson's Ashe County Arts Council from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM.

* As always, Chapter members needed no encouragement to bring yummy side dishes and desserts to share with fellow party goers. Also there were many holiday libations to help Chapter members and spouses to celebrate.

* Link to the many photographs from the Chapter social shown in the above attached images.


10/21/21 13:40/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Meetings/

September 23, 2021

Chapter Social Gathering

This month’s meeting will be held at The Tavern, our regular meeting site starting with drinks at 4:30 PM followed by your own dining selection.

Read the posting in Documents from our website.

Open the eNewletter post here:
09/19/21 16:39/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Meetings/

August 21, 2021

Annual New River Chapter Picnic

It's time to gather again and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow New River Chapter MOAA members...

Click the attached download file, "210821 - Annual Picnic Social" for Instructions and directions and plan to spend an enjoyable afternoon at the home of Barbara Sears.


08/08/21 21:20/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Meetings/

June 19, 2021

New River Chapter Regular Meeting

* Members of the New River Chapter gathered at an especially memorable evening at the home of Chapter At-Large Member, Charles Knapp. In June.

* In his COVID-19 spare time, Charles has constructed a beautiful, new, romantic outdoor patio at his home at 500 Rooster Ridge Road in Lansing, NC.

* Charles is extending an invitation to all our New River Members AND guests to come to his home on June 19th beginning at 1700 to enjoy seating around the outdoor fire pit. He will have picnic tables and chairs set up in the patio area and everyone is invited to bring an item - desserts, finger foods and the like - to share with fellow revelers.

* The planned activity will begin @ 1700 and go until everyone has enjoyed their fill of scrumptious goodies or darkness, whichever comes first!!

* The Chapter will ensure that there are a variety of beverages to go along with the evening's festivities, so mark you calendar and plan to be with your fellow New River Chapterites (sp?) on June 19th!

* Questions, directions or other inquiries, call Charles @ 336-877-6511.

Driving Directions to 500 Rooster Ridge Road
05/03/21 21:07/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Meetings/

May 20, 2021

New River Chapter Regular Meeting

New River Chapter Regular Meeting
Frances Goodhart and Cathy Ehrhardt start the celebrations

* The New River Chapter's Board of Directors has prepared a calendar of events for our membership in 2021 that began with a Thursday evening "Meet and Greet" held at the exciting new location for The Tavern (formerly the Sears store) in West Jefferson, NC @ 1730. This first gathering of our membership was an opportunity for members to renew acquaintances and maybe even meet new people.

* In lieu of a regular gathering with a more traditional dining experience, the Chapter reserved the use of the small dining room at the Tavern where attendees ordered their own drinks from the bar - beer, wine or cocktails - and numerous delicious hors-d'oeuvres were available on tables in the meeting space.

* The May 20th regular meeting was a wonderful opportunity for a return to "normal" activities with the New River Chapter after a L-O-N-G absence that was necessitated by COVID-19. See the photographs that are a part of this post for pictures of chapter members enjoying the time to get reacquainted and celebrate POST COVID-19!

* We look forward to having many members come out for all of our "GREAT" 2021 New River Chapter events. Remember to bring a friend or acquaintance especially if he/she is in our eligible field of participants (any veteran who is or was in one of the seven commissioned branches of the military). Open/print the attached, downloadable file that has a calendar and a description of each of the events in 2021. Pin it to your refrigerator or make notes in your own calendar and plan to attend at least one meeting this year!

05/03/21 20:16/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Meetings/

August 15, 2020

Annual New River Chapter Picnic

Secondary Image
Never allow a little rain to spoil a picnic!

* The annual membership picnic for the New River Chapter was held at lower picnic pavilion of the Ashe County Park behind the Ashe County Library from 2:00 - 5:00 PM.

* Chapter members were treated to a bounty of burgers, dogs, side dishes and desserts that, unlike prior picnics where everyone brought goodies, the Chapter supplied all the food due to concerns over COVID-19.

* A " LITTLE" rain did fall but it didn't dampen the spirits of the Chapter's picnic goers...

July 9, 2020/ Anonymous/ Meetings/

July 14, 2020

New River Chapter Social - DINING OUT CANCELLED!

* As COVID-19 continues to plague our world, the Chapter's planned social gathering on 14 July at 6 PM (1800 hours) at Winners Circle in Jefferson has had to be cancelled

* Winner's Circle owner, Linda made us aware that due to the changes in the NC Governor's re-opening plan, the dining out where we would have hoped to be able to stay socially segregated in groups of 10 people or less in order to be able to enjoy the camaraderie of each other has to be cancelled.

* Linda informed us that if anyone who would be in our planned group were to test positive, it would have resulted in the Winner's Circle having to be closed for deep cleaning and that would impact the restaurant being able to allow their ability to continue to provide take-out orders !

* It is unfortunate that, once again, our opportunity to meet as a Chapter has been delayed, BUT we WILL be looking to have our August Picnic at the lower pavilion in the Ashe County Park behind the library!

* See the below link for that announcement!

06/23/20/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Meetings/

May 5, 2020

New River Chapter's New Website Launched

* This is the new website for the New River Chapter with upgraded, and updated, subcategories as well as posts within each...visitors to this new page are invited to link to the many items on display that provide valuable information about the New River Chapter in many new and exciting ways.

* Want to comment? Click on the below link and send the website manager a comment, or just pass along your impression of the new site.

* Thanks!

Link here to comment:
05/30/20/ Webguy/ Info/

May 2020

Marathon Jam 2020 (CANCELLED)

* The New River Chapter's Marathon Jam normally scheduled for Armed Forces Day at the Ashe County Arts Council building in West Jefferson has been cancelled for 2020 and postponed until 2021 due to the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on social distancing worldwide!

* The Jam provides a venue for musicians - all levels of experience and selection of instruments - but in spite of the opportunity to enjoy "pickin' and grinnin' " with others, the decision to cancel the 2020 event was the right thing to do.

* Music lovers in Ashe County, North Carolina and throughout the United States are encouraged to shelter in place, stay safe and protect your loved ones and neighbors...

* Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone, everywhere!

Mar 27, 20/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Meetings/

November 11, 2019

Hacksaw Ridge - Reprise of Movie Showing

The New River Chapter of the Military Officer Association of America will present a reprise showing of the award winning film, Hacksaw Ridge, at the Parkway Theater in West Jefferson, NC on three nights, beginning with Veterans Day, November 11, and continuing on November 12 and 13. The daily showings will be at 7:00 PM and are free but persons wanting to attend should visit the Ashe Chamber Visitor Center and request ticket(s) for one of the performances to ensure adequate seating.

Oct 8, 19/ Anonymous/ Meetings/

October 15, 2019

MOAA to Visit the New River Chapter

* A representative of MOAA National, COL Terri Coles, USA (Ret.) will be a guest at the October 15 meeting of the New River Chapter. Board members will meet with COL Coles for a briefing, followed by a general meeting of the Chapter at The Venue, the new community meeting place adjacent to the Ashe County Chamber of Commerce in West Jefferson, NC. Following the one hour meeting to which all members and representatives from the public as well as other veteran organizations in the county are invited, the attendees will retire to the Hotel Tavern at 6:30 PM for drinks - dutch treat - and a dinner to enjoy the camaraderie of like minded veterans!

* Please JOIN US!

Oct 8, 19/ Anonymous/ Meetings/

September 17, 2019

New RiverChapter Regular Monthly Social

The Tuesday, September 17 dinner social at the Hotel Tavern in West Jefferson, NC was well attended and gave our dedicated, and well dressed, members an opportunity to showcase our Chapter polo shirts!

Shown (L to R): LTC Jim Block, USA, CDR Mark Whittle, USN, LCDR Steve Tucker (USN), CDR Mik Milulan, USPHS, CAPT Doug Ehrhardt, USN, LTC Bob Worley, USA and LTC Morris Griffin, USA...all of the above should have (RET) at the end of their rank, name & service!!

Oct 8, 19/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Meetings/

May 18, 2019

Marathon Jam 2019

Marathon Jam 2019
The JAM Poster used to advertise the special event

* The New River Chapter hosted the 2019 Marathon Jam on Saturday, May 18th at the Ashe County Arts Council building in West Jefferson.

* The Jam provides a venue for musicians - all levels of experience and selection of instruments - who are welcome to come and enjoy "pickin' and grinnin' " with others from noon to midnight.

* Musicians are always encouraged to seek sponsors who are willing to pledge monies for their time of performing and all proceeds raised will be used to help support the Fisher Houses at Camp LeJeune and Fort Bragg in North Carolina.

* During the course of the day, breaks are held to recognize Ashe County Veterans for their service and presentations are made to them with "healing quilts" which are provided by the Ashe County Piecemakers Quilt Guild. Pictured below right, is one of the quilts presented to a Veteran at the 2018 Jam.

Apr 15, 19/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Events/

April 16, 2019

Regular Chapter Meeting

At our first regular meeting for 2019, the Ashe County High School JROTC Battalion commander and lead instructor, David Hollis, LTC, USA, Retired and his wife, Melanie, a former Army UH-64 Black- hawk pilot will present our evening program. LTC Hollis and his wife are Appalachian State University graduates and were commissioned out of the universities ROTC program. After retirement, LTC Hollis returned to the Appalachian campus to teach in the Universities ROTC program and two years ago took over the battalion of nearly 100 students at ACHS. Melanie is the coordinator of in-school mentoring for a High Country NFP organization, Western Youth Network, reaching out to insure that young people can thrive regardless of their circumstances.

Apr 15, 19/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Meetings/

November 17, 2018

New River Chapter Holiday Party

The regular meeting of the New River Chapter was our holiday party and was held at Barbara Sears' home on November 17th...this was a date decided upon by our BOD to defeat ol' man winter who had brought cold and snow to prior years parties resulting in cancellations. Although icy weather occurred on the two days before, the weather on Saturday was characteristic of what is generally ideal for advertising by a town's Chamber of Commerce...that's probably due to the fact that West Jefferson was holding it's annual Christmas parade!!

* Pictured above right were party goers (top down): Hostess Barbara Sears, John Lorentz, Cathy Ehrhardt, Dillis Lorentz, Gloria Block, Jim Block, Mannon Eldreth, Kathy Griffin, Morris, Griffin, Mik Mikulan, Jim Cain, Robin Mikulan and Doug Ehrhardt.

* Pictured below right has Earl Inge standing where Doug was as they exchanged photographer duties!

* A big Chapter welcome is extended to potential new member, John Lorentz and his wife, Dillis, whose name was forwarded by Jim Gee after a social meeting in WJ.

* Open the thumbnail pictures (right) to see the scrumptuous goodies brought by chapter members so that a "good time was had by all"! Thanks to Mik Mikulan for the photos.

* Be sure to see pictures from our members decorating our PATRIOTIC entry for the Ashe County festival of trees by clicking here.

Nov 17, 18/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Meetings/

September 20, 2016

50th Anniversary Vietnam War Commemorative Ceremony

* As part of a DoD initiative to recognize and thank veterans of the Vietnam War, a 50th Anniversary Vietnam Commemorative Display and Vietnam Veterans Recognition event will be held on September 20, 2016 from 5:00 - 7:30 PM at the Museum of Ashe County History in Jefferson, NC. This event is also sponsored in conjunction with the North Carolina Council of Chapters, a DoD 50th Vietnam War Commemorative Partner.

* All veterans - anyone who served between the years 1955 and 1975 - will be encouraged to sign in and place a pin on a map of Vietnam to designate where they were stationed during the war. A formal recognition ceremony will be held to provide a certificate of appreciation and a lapel pin to each veteran attending the ceremony.

Jul 22, 16/ Anonymous/ Meetings/

August 27, 2016

Annual New River Chapter Picnic

* The annual membership picnic for the New River Chapter was held at the Picnic Pavilion on the New River at Jefferson Landing from 2:00 - 5:00 PM and was a great success!

* Chapter members shared a bounty of brgers, dogs and side dishes and desserts brought by everyone.

* Follow this link to the photo gallery for pictures from the event!

Jul 22, 16/ Anonymous/ Meetings/

August 27, 2016

Copy- Annual New River Chapter Picnic

* The annual membership picnic for the New River Chapter was held at the Picnic Pavilion on the New River at Jefferson Landing from 2:00 - 5:00 PM and was a great success!

* Chapter members shared a bounty of brgers, dogs and side dishes and desserts brought by everyone.

* Follow this link to the photo gallery for pictures from the event!

Jul 22, 16/ Anonymous/ Meetings/

June 21, 2016 6:00 pm

Basic Life Saving CPR Training

* Be prepared to save a spouse, family member or neighbor...a must course for us older folks! This class will be held at the Ashe Family Clinic, 953 US Hwy 211 Business from 6:00 to 8:30 PM.

* Call Karen Strickland (336-384-4915), certified instructor and course coordinator...reservations to attend are required.

* Class size is limited but additional training classes can be scheduled if interest is high.

Jun 2, 16/ Anonymous/ Meetings/

October 20, 2015

Regular Membership Meeting

* The annual membership meeting was well attended by both regular members, spouses and honorary members and allowed for meaningful discussion on potential procedural changes, officer nominations and plans for the continued Chapter operations and management in 2016.

Feb 4, 15/ Anonymous/ Meetings/

September 22, 2015

Regular Membership Meeting

* Our guest presenter for the September 2015 regular membership meeting was local physical therapist, Tracy Lynn Schuster.

* Formerly the ‎Director of Rehabilitation Services at Ashe Memorial Hospital in Jefferson, NC, Dr. Schuster of Schuster Physical Therapy presented the topic, Postural Restoration – Getting Rid of Body, Joint and Muscle Stiffness and Pain.

AUG 10, 15/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Meetings/

August 9, 2015

Annual Picnic for Members

* The New River Chapter annual picnic was held on August 9, 2015 at the home of Chapter 1st Vice President, COL Charles Knapp from 2:00 - 5:30 PM.

* The Sunday gathering attracted 28 members and guests.

* As has been our procedure - and good fortune - members and guests brought their favorite side dish, dessert or other delectable treat to share with fellow New River Chapter folks, and the eatin' was GOOD!

* COL Knapp contributed the beef for burgers from one of the cattle on his property.

* Pictured (above) are (L to R): Mik Mikulan, Robin Mikulan, Bill Horner, Joan Horner, Lee Eldreth, Mannon Eldreth, Ron Wilsbach, Sara Bashon, Paul Bashon, Mary Jacobs, Les Jacobs, Linda Gee, Jim Gee, Linda Marsh, Doug Ehrhardt, Mary Knapp, Horton Hobbs (guest of Linda Marsh), Kathleen Wilsbach, Barbara Sears, Charles Knapp, Lou Burge, Earl Inge (guest of Barbara Sears), Cathy Ehrhardt, Betty Schuette, Don Goodhart, Ron Schette, Ann Burge and Frances Goodhart.

* Pictured (below) is the New River Chapter's own bagpiper, Jim Gee, who entertained with several military selections!

* Pictured in the thumbnail photo to the right is an uninvited guest of the picnic (sorry, I couldn't find one resting on a porch seat cushion!) If you want more details, you need to talk with Mannon Eldreth...

aug 10, 15/ Anonymous/ Meetings/

July 31, 2015

Regular Membership Meeting

* Mr. Ilario Gregory Pantano, former United States Marine Corps second lieutenant, author, television commentator,and Wilmington, NC Deputy Sheriff is the Director, Division of North Carolina Veterans Affairs. Mr. Pantano was guest speaker at the July 21, 2015 regular meeting of the New River Chapter held at the Ashe County Arts Council building in West Jefferson, NC.

* Prior to the meeting, Mr. Pantano and several members of the Chapter met at the Ashe County Chamber of Commerce for a meeting with local media and are shown at the right (upper photo, L to R): CDR-Ret. Mac Hunt, USN, COL-Ret. Charles Knapp, USA 1st VP of the New River Chapter, Mr. Pantano, Darryl Vaughn, Ashe County VSO, COL-Ret. Jeri Graham, USA President, North Carolina Council of Chapters and CAPT-Ret. Doug Ehrhardt, USN President of the New River Chapter, MOAA.

* Shown in the lower photo are the Ashe County Honor Guard members who presented the colors at the evening event (L to R): Secretary/Treasurer of the Guard, Sandy Adams, James Ellis, Jr. Vice Commander and Everett Adams, Sr. Vice Commander. Special thanks to these members of the Honor Guard for their presentation of the colors at the event.

* Scroll over the thumbnail pictures to the right to see additional photographs from the event that was held at the Ashe County Arts Council in West Jefferson, NC.

* The evening event was attended by more than 60 local residents, chapter members, veterans and representatives from the DAV and MCL.

* During his presentation, Mr. Pantano referred attendees to open/read information that is contained in this newly minted NC4VETS Resource Guide that contains valuable information to assist or support veterans in our county; this electronic version on the North Carolina Council of Chapters website is downloadable and searchable.

Mr. Pantano's 2015 NC4VETS biographical sketch:
jun 18, 15/ Anonymous/ Meetings/

June 16, 2015

Regular Membership Meeting

* The New River Chapter's newest member, CDR Mik Mikulan, USPHS, Ret., was the featured speaker at our June meeting. Mik helped educate us all on the operation and roles of the U.S. Public Health Service, one of the of the seven commissioned corps in the U.S. government arsenal.

* As part of his talk, Mik displayed the flag of the U.S. Public Health Service and made a formal presentation of the flag to chapter leaders to be made an official part of the New River Chapter's standard of service flags.

* Pictured (upper right) is the New River Chapter 1st VP COL Charles Knapp, USA, Ret. and President CAPT Doug Ehrhardt, USN, Ret. receiving the flag from CDR Michael (Mik) Mikulan, USPHS, Ret.

* Pictured (lower right) are COL Knapp, CAPT Ehrhardt and CDR Mikulan unfurling the USPHS flag for all to see before placing it in the flag stand.

* A former helicopter pilot in the U.S. Army, Mik left after 11 years of flying and used his GI Bill to earn a nursing degree and then transferred his commission to the the U.S. Public Health Service. He worked as a nurse in the Federal Prison System in Springfield, MO.

Jun 24, 15/ Anonymous/ Meetings/

May 12, 2015

Regular Membership Meeting


Professor Horton Hobbs, PhD, internationally acclaimed cave explorer, biologist and cave adventurer will present, "Exploration into the Unknown: A View of Subterranean Darkness." Dr. Hobbs has made over 3,300 cave trips personally exploring at least 1,500 and surveying over 250. He has identified and published 33 new species of crustaceans and which live in the dark and deep. Our chapter is indebted to Linda Marsh, Scholarship Chair, for recommending Dr. Hobbs.


apr 29, 15/ Anonymous/ Meetings/

April 21, 2015

Regular Membership Meeting

* John Reeves, a native Ashe Countian and President of the West Jefferson Centennial Celebration committee, will be our speaker and will bring us an update on the information that was shared last June by Phillip McMillan as well as get us caught up on events that are already underway in our 100th year!

* John will also have a video presentation that was prepared by the committee to showcase historical information on West Jefferson and has commentaries by local citizens who have been a part of the first 100 years in our community.

* The presentation will begin at 6:10 PM after attendees have had the opportunity to meet and greet other New River Chapter members as well as place their desired meal order with the Winner's Circle wait staff.

* Following the speaker, the Chapter will hold a regular membership meeting to share information on the status of the chapter and continuing plans for 2015.

- Everyone is encouraged to put April 21st on their calendar, join us for dinner and a period of social camaraderie and BRING A FRIEND!

- The speaker's topic, as well as the video, will surely be of interest to any and all Ashe County residents.

Feb 4, 15/ Anonymous/ Meetings/

March 17, 2015

Regular Membership Meeting

* The first regular meeting of the New River Chapter featured Cathy Barr, Ashe County’s Director of Economic Development, who spoke about why the Work Force of Ashe County is considered one of North Carolina's Best Kept Secrets. It made us proud to hear how our people are leading the way with successful new industries, some of which are national industry leaders.

* This was the first regular meeting to be held at the Winner's Circle Restaurant in Jefferson, NC. The meeting time was also adjusted to 5:30 PM and allowed attendees the opportunity to have dinner from the many offerings on the dinner menu at the restaurant .

* The presentation began at 6:05 PM once everyone was served, and was also followed by a lively question and answer session for Mrs. Barr.

* Following the speaker, a Chapter meeting was held to inform the members in attendance of the business discussed at the Board of Directors meeting.

* The meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM.

Feb 4, 15/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Meetings/

December 13, 2014

New River Annual Holiday Celebration

* The Holiday Social was held on December 13th, 1 week earlier than our regularly scheduled meeting day in order to get a head start on winter weather.

* A total of 24 members attended and shared their favorite dishes at the party - some entrees as well as desserts. As in prior years, there were an abundance of "amazing potluck" offerings.

Click on the below link to the Photo Gallery to see pictures from the event.

Click here:
Jan 20, 12/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Meetings/

October 21, 2014

Annual New River Chapter Meeting

* The annual membership meeting was held to discuss procedural changes and consider officer nominations leading into our continued Chapter operations and management in 2015.

* Check back to this link to read about information discussed at this meeting, as well as open/read/print documents that pertain to the on-going business of the New River Chapter.

Jan 24, 14/ Anonymous/ Meetings/

September 16, 2014

Town Hall Meeting

Rep. Jonathan Jordan and Challenger Ms. Sue Counts

* The New River Chapter revived their highly successful interest in Ashe County politics by holding a Town Hall meeting, akin to the debate we sponsored in 2010.

* Pictured right are New River Chapter 1st VP Charles Knapp, Sue Counts, Moderator Ron Fitzwater and State Representative Jonathan Jordan.

* Link to News and Events to learn more about the highly successful meeting that will help to inform the voters of Ashe County in advance of the forthcoming November election.

Click here to open News and Events:
Sep 16, 14/ Anonymous/ Events/

August 9, 2014

Annual Membership Picnic

* The New River Chapter gathered at the picnic pavilion at the Jefferson Landing Resort on August 9th.

* Everyone - members and guests - brought their favorite side dish, dessert or other delectable treat to share with fellow New River Chapter folks...as always, there was a wonderful mix of delectable choices to complement the burgers, franks, drinks and necessary plates, cups and cutlery that were provided...

As a special guest, Cabot Hamilton, Director of the Ashe County Chamber of Commerce attended presented information regarding potential opportunities for our Chapter to serve as consultants in Ashe County.

Click here to see photographs from the afternoon of fun and fellowship:
Jan 24, 14/ Anonymous/ Meetings/

July 15, 2014

Sequestration, Defense and Pay Issues

* Col-Ret. Mike Hayden, USAF, National MOAA Legislative Liaison, was our guest speaker at the July regular membership meeting.

* Mike is also a regular contributor to MOAA's monthly Military Officer magazine where he keeps MOAA's 390,000 members knowledgeable on insuring that Congress is informed on issues related to pay and benefits.

* Mike shared his expertise for more than 1 1/2 hours at our regular membership meeting, and also provided answers to numerous questions posed by the more than 50 people who attended.

* The meeting was held at the Fellowship Hall of the Mount Jefferson Presbyterian Church due to a conflict with the location of the Ashe Arts Council as a primary voting site.

* Follow the below link to open and view photographs from the meeting.

Click here:
Jun 18, 14/ Anonymous/ Meetings/

June 17, 2014

Ashe County 100 Year Celebration

* Mr. Phillip McMillian of the Ashe County Centennial Board was the feature speaker at our June regular meeting. If you didn't know that Ashe County will hold a grand celebration on the occasion of West Jefferson's 100th, then Phillip, along with Chris Barr were on hand to share information on the many, exciting things that are being planned.

* The "Official" WJ Centennial logo (right) has now been revealed and will be made available to vendors for use on the many products that will help our little town welcome it's second century.

* New River's members learned of ways that we can be involved and shared some ideas with the committee about how we can make our presence known here in Ashe County.

* The Board of Directors met at 5:30 PM at the Coffee House on the Backstreet. Open/read the minutes of the BOD and regular meeting posted under Documents.

* As with other regular meetings, food and drink were available for purchase from Coffee House on the Backstreet hostess, Ms. Julie McGunegle.

Jan 24, 14/ Anonymous/ Events/

May 20, 2014

Veteran Issues

Building a Network of Support in Ashe County

* The regular meeting of the New River Chapter had SSgt Darryl Vaughn, NCANG Ret., the new Ashe County Veterans Service Officer (VSO) come and present information on veterans issues in the county and ways that our chapter may become more involved in helping to support the VSO and all military personnel in Ashe County.

Jan 30, 14/ Anonymous/ Meetings/

April 15, 2014

The New River, An Ashe County Treasure

* COL Knapp, Program Manager for the New River Chapter, welcomed Mr. George Santuci, Executive Director and Ms. Carol Coulter, Director of Operations, National Committee of the New River to our regular meeting to educate our members and guests about the New River...our "namesake.".

* The presentation, intended to help make us better stewards of this Ashe County Treasure, was very educational and enjoyed by all who attended.

* The Board of Directors will meet at 5:30 PM at the Coffee House on the Backstreet. Open/read the BOD and regular meeting minutes under Documents.

Jan 24, 14/ Anonymous/ Events/

March 18, 2014

Predicting Mountain Weather, Old Time Way

* A NOT TO BE MISSED program helped kick-off the New River Chapter regular programming schedule for 2014.

* Mr. Joe Mullis, Old Time Weather Predictor whose heritage as a Native American and of Melungeon ethnicity, as well as growing up deep in the Appalachians and its role in his learning pre-scientific methods of predicting weather was our guest speaker

* Joe helped us understand how to be better protected from changes in our Ashe County and North Carolina weather patterns.

* The Board of Directors met at 5:30 PM at the Coffee House on the Backstreet. Open/read minutes from the BOD and regular meeting under Documents.

Jan 24, 14/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Events/

September 17, 2013

Regular Membership Meeting

* The regular meeting of the New River Chapter was held on September 17, 2013 at the Coffee House on the Backstreet...

* Due to the pace of the year's activities to date, the program was strictly SOCIAL for the many members in the area in September and provided an opportunity to share camaraderie with fellow retired military officers and their spouses.

* A BOD meeting was held before the beginning of the festivities @ 5:30 PM.

* Dinner items were provided, as always, by our Coffee House hostess Julie McGunegle.

Aug 14, 13/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Meetings/

August 9, 2013

Regular Membership Meeting

* The regular chapter summer membership picnic was preceded by the August 9-10, 2013 meeting at which time the New River Chapter co-hosted the North Carolina Council of Chapters quarterly meeting along with our sister chapter, the High Country Chapter.

* As co-hosts, our combined chapters welcomed the North Carolina Council, as well as Presidents from the other 15 state chapters who attended the meeting.

* The meeting location was the Club at Jefferson Landing...a gala dinner - with more than 100 attendees - took place on Friday, August 9th, and the Council meeting was held on Saturday, August 10th.

* The guest speaker was BGen James Walker, USMC-Ret., Deputy Director for Samaritans Purse International Projects and Executive Director for Operation Heal Our Patriots. General Walker shared his organizations commitment to support wounded servicepersonnel in their post-deployment struggles with marriage and relationships. The presentation was warmly received by all.

* Also, before the dinner was served, a special performance was given by Generation eXcellent, a group of 18 home-schooled children from Ashe County, who shared their special ministry of music with a song about the American flag, followed by the Stars Spangled Banner and a medley of service songs for the five branches of the military.

* There were many other events planned that proved to be highly successful and were enjoyed by all. The spouses, and other interested attendees were treated to a special performance by Libby Cockerham - Dr. Libby - who spoke on a variety of fashion secrets. On the afternoon of August 10th, several attendees took advantage of the opportunity to play the Jefferson Landing's award winning golf course...and ALMOST got in 18 holes before the rain!

Follow this link to the NC Council webpages for pictures from the weekend:
aug 14, 2013/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Meetings/

July 16, 2013

Regular Membership Meeting

* The regular membership meeting was held on July 16th at the Coffee House on the Backstreet.

* The program for the evening included a discussion about the new MOAA National membership program that was rolled out in 2013.

* Also, the Chapter officers and BOD shared information regarding the upcoming August 9, 2013 meeting at which time our chapter will co-host the 3rd Quarterly meeting of the North Carolina Council of Chapters. Everyone was encouraged to volunteer for a variety of activities that will be needed to ensure the meeting is successful.

Click here:
Mar 22, 13/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Meetings/

June 18, 2013

Regular Membership Meeting

* The regular membership meeting was held on June 18th at the Coffee House on the Backstreet.

* Lyndon Smith - graduate of Yale University, former US Army National Guard officer and the retired President of the Senior Carolina Fire Advisory Company - was the speaker who talked on "The Lighter Side of Senior Fire Safety."

* The retired President of the Senior Carolina Fire Advisory Company, Mr. Smith has over thirty years of experience in residential fire safety.

* The meeting was an informative and entertaining presentation intended to increase awareness of the principles of residential fire safety and implementing those principles within the community, and is in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association standards.

See you in July!

May 16, 13/ Anonymous/ Meetings/

May 21, 2013 6:00 PM

Regular Membership Meeting

* The regular membership meeting was held on May 21st at the Ashe County Arts Council in West Jefferson, NC.

* New River Chapter 1st Vice President, COL-Ret. Charles Knapp, MC, USA provided an introduction and comments regarding the playing of a documentary film entitled "The Conscientious Objector".

* Charles is a consultant on a forthcoming movie that is in pre-production, "Hacksaw Ridge" which will also recount the true story of bravery and heroism by Congressional Medal of Honor recipient Corporal Desmond T. Doss, USA.

* The evening program was truly inspirational as an audience of almost 100 persons who were in attendance, including Chapter members, sat in silence taking in the description and images of PFC Doss' action on the Maeda Escarpment in Okinawa during the last battle of WWII. Along with footage of Doss himself, the story was told principally by comrades that were saved by Doss who was an Infantry Medic.

* The documentary film followed an rousing rendition of the national anthem by Generation eXcellent, a local singing group under the leadership and direction of Jeff and Pam Miller. The performers were dressed in period costumes from their current show, "I Love this Land." Following the anthem, a medley of service songs - Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and Marines was presented to honor all veterans...attendees with service affiliation were called upon to stand by SGT Michael Allen, NCNG who served as Master at Arms.

Click here to read more about this meeting in News and Events:
Mar 22, 13/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Meetings/

April 16, 2013

Regular Membership Meeting

* The regular meeting for the New River Chapter included attendance at the Garrison Keillor and his much beloved "Prairie Home Companion" show in Boone, NC on April 16th.

* Chapter members enjoyed a pre-show dinner outing at the Hunan Restaurant in Boone.

* Members attended the dinner and the show, just the dinner, or just the show, but everyone had a great time!

* See you in May.

Mar 22, 13/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Meetings/

March 19, 2013

Regular Membership Meeting

* The regular meeting schedule for the New River Chapter got underway with a wonderful program presented by Barbara Sears, Personal Affairs Chair.

* Barbara, appropriately clothed in traditional native dress, recounted her travels with the USNA Alumni Association to several locales in South Africa, starting in Capetown and traveling to Johannesburg, Pretoria, Soweto, a three day train ride to Victoria Falls and the Chobe Game Preserve before returning to Johannesburg and heading home.

* Along with her fascinating presentation on many of the cultural and post-Apartheid changes in the country, Barbara spoke about the conditions endured by President Nelson Mandela during the many years he spent on Robbin Island, South Africa's equivalent to Alcatraz.

* Her presentation was also accompanied by a beautiful slide presentation that kept everyone's attention for over an hour at our first meeting.

* Regular Membership Meetings will again return to the Coffee House on the Backstreet in May as we will be enjoying a "road trip" in April. Be sure to click on the April calendar link to learn all about it!

Feb 11, 13/ Douglas Ehrhardt/ Meetings/

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New River Chapter Meetings

* New River Chapter, MOAA held regular, monthly meetings in the past on the third Tuesday of each month at a single location. Now, however, we are making a change to various days of the month as well as various locations based upon individual meeting needs.

* We hold meetings or events from May through December, unless otherwise decided by the Board of Directors. A notice is generally e-mailed to members to insure widest participation.

* To maximize optimum participation, our August meeting is the annual summer picnic and November is our holiday social.

* SPECIAL NOTICE: When our previous meeting location, The Hotel Tavern in West Jefferson, closed In 2020, we moved to The Tavern's new location in West Jefferson which was the old Sears retail building. Moving forward in 2023, however, we have a lot of new opportunities to gather throughout Ashe County and hope you will consider being at as many as possible!

To see information regarding a specific month, click on the month in the calendar page or select the annual calendar post below.

Open the annual calendar here
feb 19, 15/ webguy/ Recurring/